Wellness Methods


What Is Wilderness Therapy?

As the name suggests, Wilderness Therapy uses the context of nature and experiential education to improve behavioral health, particularly in those who struggle with depressive mood disorders, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation. Safer than what most might think, this adventure-based therapy has successfully treated alcohol and drug addiction with very low risk of physical injury, compared to high contact sports such as football or even daily activities like driving.

How It Works

Benefits of Wilderness Therapy

Connecting with nature helps troubled individuals to reflect on their destructive habits and enables them to take full responsibility for their lives moving forward. Numerous research studies show positive results as participants show visible signs of increased self-esteem and diminished anti-social behavior. Acting as a catalyst for long-lasting change, the power of nature produces the following benefits:

It’s Time For A New Method

Take The First Step

From all of us at New Method Wellness dual diagnosis treatment center, we wish you peace and serenity in knowing that you or your loved one will get the necessary help.

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