Author: Juanita Wells, CADC-II, ICADC

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understanding self-harm

Self-Harm: How To Help A Loved One

March 1st is Self Harm Awareness Day in the United States.  Self-harm and self-injury can impact people of all ages and backgrounds. Self-harm occurs in 5% of US adults each year and 15% of adolescents.

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longterm effects of alcohol abuse

The Long-term Effects of Alcohol Abuse

If you visited your primary care physician recently, you were likely asked how many alcoholic beverages you drink in a week. Did you tell the truth when you answered? 32% of women and 50% of men lie to their doctors about their alcohol consumption

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Alcohol and Sleep

How Alcohol Affects Sleep

Alcohol can induce feelings of relaxation and sleepiness, but excessive alcohol consumption can cause poor sleep quality. People who regularly drink to excess often experience insomnia and can even develop symptoms of sleep apnea.

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Eating Disorders and Trauma

The Link Between Eating Disorders and Trauma

Approximately 28.8 million Americans will have an eating disorder (ED) in their lifetime. If untreated, an ED can cause serious health risks and emotional damage. Eating disorders are among the most deadly mental illnesses in the world. A common risk factor for most behavioral health and behavioral disorders, ED, is trauma. Trauma is a common experience that nearly 60% of men and 50% of women will go through at least once in their lifetime.

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understanding alcoholism and dementia

Understanding the Connection: Alcoholism and Dementia

Researchers have found that when one slips into unconsciousness due to overdrinking, it doubles the risk of contracting dementia. If you or someone you love abuses alcohol and you fear that they are at risk of developing alcohol-related dementia, read on to learn more about the risks.

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The dangers of drunk and drugged driving

The Dangers of Drunk and Drugged Driving

No matter what substance is being used, one thing is certain; they don’t make driving safer. Drunk driving alone causes 10,000 deaths a year, which is close to a third of all traffic deaths combined. There are serious risks to driving under the influence, but unfortunately, alcohol receives much of the attention.

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behavioral health, addiction and homelessness

Behavioral Health, Addiction and Homelessness

Did you know there are almost 554,000 homeless people in America? There are many factors that play into the trials of homelessness, but addiction and behavioral health take the leading role. Homelessness takes a huge toll on a person’s behavioral health and can push someone to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

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