A lot of people have the mistaken assumption that addiction treatment is mainly about detox. They may think that once they’ve gone through detox and removed the tolerance of drugs or alcohol from their body, they will quickly recover. However, detox only removes the physical addiction. If you just go through detox and return to your old life, there’s a high chance that you will relapse eventually. The truth is that addiction is a mental disorder that requires various types of therapy to get to the root of the issues that caused it in the first place. Individual therapy in addiction treatment is one of the most common programs used for this purpose. Why individual therapy? Because no one is cut from the same cloth. Every individual case of addiction is different.
How Individual Therapy In Addiction Treatment Can Help
Many systems and ideas in modern society are created with the theory that everyone is basically the same. These ideas try to put people into the same box. Some addiction treatment specialists believe this as well. However, this type of treatment for substance abuse can make people feel lost or somehow faulty when they fail to respond to the treatment as expected. This is where individual therapy and individual treatment plans come in. These programs and therapies are designed around your individual needs. Individual therapy in addiction treatment recognizes that everyone experiences addiction differently.
For example, some people enter addiction treatment with the only known goal that they want to be sober. Other people have already designed goals and plans for the future. Individual therapy seeks to help people at the exact place they already are in their path to recovery.
What Is Individual Therapy For Substance Abuse Treatment?
Both group and individual therapy are used in the treatment of addiction. Both types of therapy have a place in most treatment programs. One-on-one psychotherapy is where the patient directly interacts with the therapist and no one else. A therapeutic relationship is established between the therapist and the patient. Trust in this relationship is extremely important as it facilitates the patient’s willingness to share. Another hallmark of individual therapy is the development of a comprehensive plan for continued treatment. The therapist may construct this plan through the feedback of the patient.
It’s generally highly recommended that you attend both individual and group therapy during your treatment for addiction. Group therapy allows you to get feedback from your peers and hear different experiences and perspectives on addiction. Individual therapy gives you the chance to establish rapport with a therapist and share things about your past and present in a safe, non-judgmental space.
Benefits of Individual Therapy For Treating Addiction
Individual counseling has a number of benefits for treating addiction. It can be especially helpful at the beginning stages of treatment when you don’t feel comfortable sharing in a group setting. People are often far more likely to put trust in a professional therapist to give them a safe space in sharing personal issues. Individual counseling also provides a focused and private space. You only have to focus on sharing your experiences with your therapist and listening to their feedback. Some specific benefits of individual counseling include the following:
• Better communication skills
• Encouraging the exploration of self
• Growing self-awareness
• Developing healthy coping skills
Individual therapy has the core goal of helping you see the connection between your thought patterns, emotions and behaviors. You will learn how negative thought patterns and emotions manifest in negative behaviors like substance abuse.
When you identify these problematic behavior patterns, you can then work to change them through developing healthy alternatives. Individual counseling isn’t an immediate cure, but a process and path that leads to lasting recovery.
Why Is Individual Counseling So Necessary In Substance Abuse Recovery
Recovering from addiction goes far beyond simply detoxing from drugs or alcohol. Everyone’s addiction experience is different, but there are some common denominators when it comes to the mental issues that lead to addiction. Drugs and alcohol are very often used to deal with stress, anxiety or other undiagnosed issues. The emotions and thoughts that lead to self-medication with drugs or alcohol can be very difficult to unpack. Unraveling these complex issues is what ultimately helps a person gain lasting recovery.
Ongoing personal counseling is also often necessary to keep relapses from happening or to recover after a relapse has happened. There is a wide range of issues and situations that can trigger relapses. Individual counseling helps to address these triggers, including the following:
• Situational stressors come from family, relationships, work and school. These can lead to the urge to self-medicate. Counseling helps you develop healthier ways to deal with these stressors.
• Environment and habits can also lead you back into addictive patterns and behaviors. This might include going to establishments tied to your addiction. Counseling helps you find ways to deal with these situations.
• Social cues can crop up when you continue to associate with friends who are still using drugs or drinking. You might experience pressure to join them. Counseling helps you find ways to deal with these tricky situations and also to form healthier relationships.
What Happens During Individual Therapy For Addiction Treatment?
You might be wondering what an individual therapy session is like. You will meet with your counselor on an individual basis, and it’s likely that you will be working with them for months and even years. The longer you attend therapy, the more mutual trust will be established and you will feel more comfortable. Different types of psychotherapy will often be used during individual counseling sessions, including the following:
• Psychoanalysis
• Cognitive-behavioral therapy
• Dialectical behavioral therapy
• Cognitive processing therapy
Your therapist will ask you various guided questions to help you delve into your thoughts and emotions. The type of therapy you experience may depend on your personal situation. For example, cognitive processing therapy is often used for those who suffer from varying degrees of trauma, including PTSD.
The Life-Changing Benefits of Individual Therapy At New Method Wellness
As a dual diagnosis addiction treatment center, our experienced, professional and compassionate staff understand that every patient and every case of addiction is different. Using a range of therapy programs, we are able to tailor a unique treatment plan to fit every patient’s individual needs. Along with individual counseling, we offer the following treatment programs:
• Holistic therapy
• Art and music therapy
• Nutritional counseling
• Meditation therapy
• Guided imagery
Starting addiction recovery isn’t an easy task, but it’s made much less stressful when you connect with your therapy professional.
If you or a loved one are seeking quality treatment for addiction and/or behavioral health issues, New Method Wellness is ready to help you start your journey to recovery. Get in touch with our helpful staff today.