Category: Opiate Treatment Methods

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Opiate Overdose

Opioid Addiction: Heroin Withdrawal

You are possibly reading this blog post because: 1) You are curious about the process of heroin withdrawal, 2) You or your loved one is addicted to heroin and you are looking into treatment, 3) You are currently sober and reminding yourself why you stay sober and how you never want to have to get sober again. 

Heroin use has doubled among 18-25 year-olds in the United States and is becoming a popular drug of choice. As a result, heroin overdoses have quadrupled and as of 2014, 8,200 Americans die yearly from heroin use.

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Vivitrol: What’s the Big Deal?

Vivitrol is an injectable medicine used for treating the dependence of alcohol and opiates. 

Okay, but what does that really mean? In layman’s terms, Vivitrol is used to prevent alcohol or opiate relapse (Codeine, Vicodin, Hycodan, Oxycontin, Percoset, Dilaudid, etc.). 

Vivitrol is used as a supplement to substance abuse counseling or an outpatient treatment program.

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