Category: Sober living

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5 best sober brand t-shirts

5 Super-Awesome Sober Apparel Brands

Getting sober has been the biggest awakening in my entire life; not because I have refrained from jell-o wrestling, frequent blackouts, and crying while watching How I Met Your Mother because I wanted friends…

Rather, I finally became a part of something bigger than myself! Having a sense of community and essentially ‘belonging’ to a community was what I longed for my entire life. 

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These 4 Resolutions Will Change Your Life by Karin Lindgren

These 4 Resolutions Will Change Your Life

It’s February.  By February we usually have all-out failed at all our efforts to be successful at our New Year’s Resolutions and are feeling humbled by how difficult it is to make new habits.  We humans try all sorts of refreshing, reinventing, and general shake-downs of our diets, health, exercise, and excavation of all our bad habits.  And you know what traditionally happens?  Well, a week or two of energetic discipline, followed by “too busy”, “too tired”, “too broke”, and my favorite, “I don’t want to anymore”.  Let’s be honest, New Year’s resolutions often make us feel like failures within a month’s time.

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The 9 Emotional Phases of Rehab

The 9 Emotional Phases of Rehab

Going to rehab is an emotional experience. Fortunately, most of us have the same emotional roller coaster ride. Whether you’re curious about how you will feel during rehab, or you want to remember how you felt when attending rehab, this blog post is for you. Join us in laughing at ourselves. Because, what is sobriety if we can’t laugh at ourselves?

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The Kindness of Peace

The Kindness of Pain by Becky Henderson

This blog post was brought to you by Becky Henderson, Transformation Coach, Licensed Professional Counselor, Writer, and Speaker

I’ve worked with thousands of clients over the years.  I have one right now experiencing extreme anxiety and fear on a daily basis.  In one session recently she threw up her arms and yelled, “What’s wrong with me?!!”  I looked at her and said, “Nothing is wrong with you.  Everything is operating according to its design.  Yes, something is going on, but the pain you’re in is just the symptom, the effect; the pain is a perfect messenger.  Your body, heart and spirit are trying to get your attention.  If you listen, you’ll start noticing what it is that needs to be addressed.  Stop fighting the signal and you’ll get to the source.”  Consider that pain is the “Check Engine” light of our lives. 

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