Category: Sober living

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The 9 Emotional Phases of Rehab

The 9 Emotional Phases of Rehab

Going to rehab is an emotional experience. Fortunately, most of us have the same emotional roller coaster ride. Whether you’re curious about how you will feel during rehab, or you want to remember how you felt when attending rehab, this blog post is for you. Join us in laughing at ourselves. Because, what is sobriety if we can’t laugh at ourselves?

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The Kindness of Peace

The Kindness of Pain by Becky Henderson

This blog post was brought to you by Becky Henderson, Transformation Coach, Licensed Professional Counselor, Writer, and Speaker

I’ve worked with thousands of clients over the years.  I have one right now experiencing extreme anxiety and fear on a daily basis.  In one session recently she threw up her arms and yelled, “What’s wrong with me?!!”  I looked at her and said, “Nothing is wrong with you.  Everything is operating according to its design.  Yes, something is going on, but the pain you’re in is just the symptom, the effect; the pain is a perfect messenger.  Your body, heart and spirit are trying to get your attention.  If you listen, you’ll start noticing what it is that needs to be addressed.  Stop fighting the signal and you’ll get to the source.”  Consider that pain is the “Check Engine” light of our lives. 

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Relapse Prevention Tips for the Holidays

4 Relapse Prevention Tips for the Holidays

Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Years are often triggers for addicts and alcoholics.

There’s something about the pressure of family expectations, the awkward conversations with family members you speak to only once a year, and the general frustrations of securing the perfect presents for everyone on your list.

Or, maybe you just hold some deep resentments from holidays past, and you prefer to eliminate all holidays from the calendar year.

Whichever your reason, packing your toolbox full of helpful relapse preventions tools will guarantee you an easier, more carefree season.

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How Do You Do Humility

How Do You Do Humility?

The benefits of having humility have become clearer to me lately, particularly as my life as a sober woman has grown and my relationships with others have multiplied.  With a couple years of sobriety, I now have a full-time job and am heavily involved in a 12 step fellowship, which has led to a lot of interactions with new people with a range of personalities.  For me, this leads to confusing interactions, obsessing about what to say and not say, and repeated opportunities for keeping my side of the street clean.  How do I proceed through the day without feeling uncomfortable or needing to apologize?  After many mistakes and missteps, it seems having humility in all my interactions is ultimately the answer.

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5 Sobriety Quotes to Get You Through Today

5 Sobriety Quotes to Get You Through Today

What are you going to do, today, to make it a good day? Take a minute and think about this…

Your perception is your reality. The attitude you choose to send out into the world, is the attitude that will be sent right back to you… Only ten-fold.

Here are 5 sobriety quotes that will start your day off efficiently and positively. Share these images with your friends on Facebook to inspire them to make today the best day ever. 

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Sobriety app

10 Reasons Sober Grid is The Best Sobriety App Out There

It has come to our attention that the greatest sober app ever to be invented has recently been released to the public at the start of this month. The app is called Sober Grid, and it is the greatest sobriety tool ever to be created for the iPhone. 

Here is why we think that Sober Grid is the best app ever, and why you should download it immediately.

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going to college sober

Going To College… Sober

Alas, August has arrived.

Some of you may only be contemplating the prospect of returning back to school, while many of you may actually start school in August… eek!

Fortunately, sobriety allows us to see our full potential; so, getting a stable 9 to 5 job, pursuing our life-long dream, or going back to school may be prominent prospects for the near future. Unfortunately, the thought of these new-found talents and motivation often surface emotions other than excitement… Emotions like fear.

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Codependency Recovery

Codependency Recovery: Get Your Life Back

More often than not, as alcoholics and addicts, we struggle with some form of codependency.

Codependency is not black and white, by any means.

Codependency can manifest itself in a variety of ways: people pleasing, manipulation, narcissism, drama-loving, controlling, stalking, ‘doormat’ syndrome, and more.

The term ‘codependent’ generally has a negative connotation. We use the term to inflict emotional pain on someone by saying: “She/He’s sickly codependent,’ ‘I wouldn’t date him/her, they’re too codependent,’ or “What’s wrong with him/her? They’re so sensitive and codependent.”

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4 best books on sobriety

4 Awesome Books on Sobriety

Literature is one of the most powerful tools in sobriety.

Literature allows us to access the experiences, strength, and hope of those who came before us.

From the early days of sobriety to, higher power permit, years down the road of our recovery journey, addiction/alcoholism literature can become a monumental pillar in the fight against our disease.

The following 4 books featured in this infographic have either been suggested to me by a fellow trudger or utilized in my personal recovery. Each book visits the depths of despair and hopelessness we feel as alcoholics/addicts in the midst of our disease but also presents glimpses of the freedom, happiness, and serenity of sobriety.

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