Dealing with an alcoholic parent can be stressful and upsetting. Keep in mind that being sober is a choice that the alcoholic themselves can only make. It’s okay to urge someone to seek assistance, but you can’t make them.
With help and support, children of alcoholics can help their parents recover from alcoholism. Treatment for alcohol addiction can include therapy, detoxification, and holistic methods. Treatment plans are customized to fit individual needs and diagnoses.
Are Alcoholic Parents Dangerous?
The danger of having an alcoholic parent is that they may act recklessly or irresponsibly while drunk, endangering themselves and their children. They can fail to meet the basic requirements of their children, use abusive language, or make choices that put themselves or others in danger. There are also long-term consequences for children of alcoholics, including an increased risk of behavioral health disorders and drug dependence.
Parents who drink too much pose risks for their children for several reasons:
 • Physical harm: Danger of physical injury Alcoholism’s effects on judgment and aggressiveness may result in domestic violence or abuse.
• Emotional damage: Alcoholism can lead to parental neglect, desertion, and abuse, which can have lasting effects on children’s behavioral health.
•  Bad role models: Unhealthy habits and coping techniques, such as turning to drinking or drugs when things become challenging, may be passed on from alcoholic parents to their children.
•  Family disruption: Disruption in family life because alcoholism may cause monetary instability, which can cause issues with housing, food, and other essentials.
•  Addiction risk increases: Hereditary and environmental variables put children of alcoholics at a greater chance of acquiring an addiction as adults.
Children of alcoholics are at risk of experiencing harmful effects on their health and development. Adolescents and adults who are alcoholics raised should look for assistance and resources to manage the difficulties they confront.
How Can I Talk to My Parent About Their Alcoholism?
Recognizing the signs of alcohol use disorder and learning how to aid your alcoholic parent is possible after fully grasping the disease’s fundamental characteristics. When it comes to your parent’s drinking problem or recovery, it’s okay to draw the line. You don’t need to condone their actions or put yourself in harm’s way.
Confronting a parent about their alcoholism is tough, but it’s necessary if you want to help them receive the care they need. Here are some guidelines for holding a practical discussion:
• Think about the point you want to make and the tone you want to use. Planning ahead by writing down your ideas might be helpful.
• Select an intimate and peaceful location, free from distractions, for your talk. Create a calm, non-confrontational environment.
• Avoid accusing or combative language. Instead, consider how your relationship with them changes because of their drinking. Mention specific instances of their drinking.
• Be present for your parent and let them know you want them to receive the therapy they need. Propose assisting them in locating relevant aid organizations or facilities.
• Hear them out, and invite your parent to talk about how they feel about their addiction. Listen carefully to what they say, and try to put yourself in their shoes.
• Recovery from addiction can be a lengthy and arduous journey, so please have patience. It can take a while for your parent to get treatment, so please be patient with them.
Remember that you can’t cure your parents’ addiction, but you can be there for them and urge them to get assistance.
Signs of Alcohol Abuse
A person’s drinking habits might provide clues as to whether or not they have an addiction to alcohol. Below are some signs of alcohol addiction.
 • Having an intense desire to consume alcohol.
 • Problems regulating alcohol intake.
 • Alcohol consumption that persists despite adverse outcomes, such as difficulties in personal or professional life or legal trouble, is called alcoholism.
 • Alcohol dependence is a physical dependency on alcohol that manifests itself in the absence of alcohol, with symptoms including tremors, perspiration, and sleeplessness.
 • The requirement for increasingly large amounts of alcohol to provide the same effects as tolerance builds.
 • Investing a lot of time and effort in getting, using, and then recuperating from the effects of alcohol use.
 • Spending all of one’s time drinking and ignoring one’s duties and obligations.
 • Negative feelings, such as worry or despair, while sober.
It cannot be overstated how dangerous and even fatal alcoholism is if left untreated. Seek immediate medical attention if you or a loved one are suffering from the symptoms above.
Effects of Alcohol Abuse
Abuse of alcoholic beverages has far-reaching consequences for the person and the community. Here are a few examples:
 • Pancreatitis, liver disease, heart disease, and certain forms of cancer are just a few of the physical health issues that can develop from heavy alcohol consumption over time.
 • Problems with behavioral health Alcohol consumption may lead to or worsen conditions, including depression, anxiety, and psychosis.
 • A person’s social life, finances, and relationships can all suffer as a result of their alcoholism.
 • Problems with the law Alcohol misuse increases the likelihood that a person may engage in illegal behavior, which can lead to legal complications.
 • Alcohol addiction can cause issues in the workplace, such as tardiness, poor performance, and even termination from one’s position.
 • Injuries to self and others are more likely when one’s judgment is impaired due to alcohol use.
 • The financial toll alcoholism has on a community is high; it shows itself in the form of higher healthcare expenditures, lower production, and a larger bill at the local courthouse.
Treatment Options for Parents With Alcoholism
Fortunately, various treatment options are available to parents drinking and struggling with alcohol dependency. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one form of therapy that has been found effective in helping people with AUD change their thinking patterns and behaviors associated with alcohol use. In addition, medications such as Antabuse (disulfiram) have been used to help people abstain from drinking alcohol by creating an unpleasant reaction when combined with alcohol consumption. Finally, support systems such as 12-Step programs offer individuals with AUD an opportunity to connect with others struggling with similar issues and develop tools for living sober lives. Â
Treatment Options for Children Affected by Parental Alcoholism
In addition to treatment options for parents struggling with AUD, numerous treatment options are available for children affected by parental alcoholism. These include adolescent psychiatry sessions focusing on emotions such as anger or fear; family counseling; behavior management techniques; educational interventions; support groups specifically designed for children affected by parental addiction; play therapy; art therapy; mindfulness exercises; and school-based programs designed to teach problem-solving skills during childhood. The most important thing is that your child knows they have someone they can turn to when they need help navigating difficult emotions or situations related to their parent’s addiction. Â
Finding Treatment for an Alcoholic Parent
Alcoholism is a severe problem for millions of people in the United States. Estimates of how widespread this issue is in the country’s behavioral health system vary widely. Know that support is available if you feel your parent’s drinking has become a significant problem in your family.
Many different alcohol rehabilitation programs exist for those who need help overcoming their dependency on the drug. At New Method Wellness, we treat the whole person, not just the addiction, by investigating the origins of your parent’s problem and ruling out co-occurring disorders before developing an individualized treatment plan.
Your parent may receive the help they need to beat alcoholism and get their life back on track with New Method Wellness’s all-encompassing alcohol detox, rehabilitation, and wellness program.