Sobriety app

10 Reasons Sober Grid is The Best Sobriety App Out There

It has come to our attention that the greatest sober app ever to be invented has recently been released to the public at the start of this month. The Sobriety app is called Sober Grid, and it is the greatest sobriety tool ever to be created for the iPhone.

Here is why we think that Sober Grid is the best app ever, and why you should download it immediately.

1. It’s 100% free

We fully understand the tendency for the iPhone using population to settle with a ‘free’ app as opposed to a ‘paid’ app, and we are right there with you.

Good news: the Sober Grid application is completely free.

Not a free download with upgrades; the app is completely free. So, we recommend downloading it right now… Because it’s worth it. “What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.”
— Kurt Vonnegut”

2. Sober App is strictly for sober individuals. You won’t break your anonymity! (Unlike Facebook)

All of the Sobriety App users are sober and/or involved in the sober community around the world.

You don’t have to worry about accidentally posting a sobriety-related status on your timeline instead of posting to your sober gratitude group. You don’t have to worry about placing every single Facebook friend who doesn’t know you’re sober in the ‘Do Not Show With’ section of your status when you want to share your sobriety milestone.

Sober Grid is essentially social media specifically for sober people… and we think that’s totally awesome.

3. Speaking of anonymity, there is an option to set your profile to ‘anonymous’

If you are still hesitant to join the sobriety app because of anonymity reasons, you can set your Sober Grid profile to ‘anonymous’ so no one can see your profile picture, your name, or any other information you choose to keep private.

As you can tell, Sober Grid is pretty protective of your anonymity, which is a difficult quality to find on social media these days.

4. You can see how many sober people are in your area (we mean precisely how many… recorded in feet)

The ‘Grid’ is one of the many super cool features of Sober Grid.

What is the ‘Grid’ you might ask?

The ‘Grid’ is an endless scroll of sober people who live in your area, listed by proximity to your location!

Why is this cool? For many reasons, actually.

  • Sometimes it’s just nice to know there are sober people all around you; it’s nice to know you’re not alone
  • You can visually familiarize yourself with people on the grid and see a familiar face in a local meeting
  • You can meet new people in your area by simply clicking on their picture and sending them a message
5. If you have a burning desire to drink or use, you can notify your grid at the click of a button

One of the most unique and fantastic features of the Sobriety app is the ‘burning desire’ button, which, when clicked, notifies the grid that you feel like drinking or using.

Instead of sitting with your thoughts of drinking or using like a gentleman (or lady), you can simply press the ‘burning desire’ button and your profile will light up red giving the grid the opportunity to message you with some words of encouragement.

6. If you need a ride to a meeting, you can notify your grid at the click of a button, as well

Another great feature of Sobriety app is the ‘Need a Ride’ button.

Often times, when we first get sober, we are without a method of transportation. Fortunately, Sober Grid allows all users to indicate whether they are willing to offer rides to those who need them.

If you need a ride to a meeting, then you can select the ‘Need a Ride’ button, and your profile will glow green, allowing other users the opportunity to offer a ride if they can.

7. If you’re traveling, you can find sober people nearby and message them about good meetings in the area

 Sober Grid is a great tool for sober individuals who find themselves frequently traveling for work, school, or personal reasons.

The Grid identifies each user’s location, by feet. If you’re traveling to the East Coast, for example, and you are from the west coast, all you have to do is refresh your location and you can see all of the sober people in your area. If you’re looking for a good meeting, just message someone from the Grid, and they can tell you where to go.

Basically, the Sober app allows you to make instant sober friends wherever you go.

8. You can help other alcoholics and addicts, directly from your phone

It is suggested for alcoholics whether new to sobriety or a seasoned member, to help another alcoholic in order to stay sober for another day.

The Sobriety app allows you help other alcoholics in a handful of ways:

  • By scrolling through your newsfeed, and commenting on the statuses of those who are struggling to stay sober
  • By scrolling through the Grid and sending a message to anyone with a glowing red profile
  • By offering a ride to anyone whose profile is glowing green
  • By sharing your experience, strength, and hope in statuses and messages

Now, you can get out of your own head by helping another alcoholic, any time of the day or night.

9. Starting September 1st, you can join your alumni group and stay in touch with your pals from treatment

The alumni group feature of Sober Grid is projected to start on September 1st.

If you want to stay up-to-date with your treatment pals, you want to stay updated with up-and-coming alumni events, or you just want to stay connected with your old treatment center, then the alumni feature is going to rock your world.

All you have to do is join your alumni group, and you have a constant flow of updates straight to your phone.

10. Sober Grid is a safe and supportive network for sober alcoholics and addicts

That’s what sobriety is all about… Finding or creating a safe and supportive network of sober people.

Often times, when we get sober, we find that connection is something that we are missing in our lives.

Sober Grid gives you the opportunity to feel connected right at your fingertips.

In Conclusion

You should definitely download the Sobriety app and start connecting with sober people in your area. We give it an A+ in app review.

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Juanita Wells, CADC-II, ICADC
Juanita serves as the Director of Admissions at New Method Wellness. Having joined New Method Wellness in 2013, Juanita served for five years as a practicing clinician before accepting the role of Assistant Clinical Director in 2018. During this time, Juanita helped expand the role of the LGBTQ, trauma, and aftercare programs. Now, in her role as Director of Admissions, Juanita utilizes her extensive clinical background in pursuit of identifying relationships with other nationally prominent treatment providers that address behavioral health and addiction in America. Juanita assists families in navigating the admission process at New Method Wellness. Juanita is a duly accredited Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor II (CADC-II) with International Accreditation (ICADC).

