Tag: substance abuse treatment center

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Letter to my anxiety

A Letter to My Anxiety

Dear Anxiety,

I am massively resentful towards you for the constant strain you put on my daily life.

You take over my simplest, most innocent thoughts and turn them into negative experiences. You then proceed to attack every part of my body from my head down to my toes; you send chills down my spine and sweat down my face. You prevent me from enjoying the moment, as you have coerced me to think about every, single, potential discrepancy that could arise from every situation.

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develop friendships in sobriety

Lonely No More: Developing Friendships While Clean & Sober

More often than not as a substance abuser, isolation is part of our story.

Maybe we have a few ‘using’ or ‘drinking’ friends, but generally we harbor feelings of loneliness and social anxiety.

Some of us may claim that we’re buddy-buddy with our dealer, our drinking/using friends are our road-dogs, and we’ve had heart-to-heart moments with our favorite liquor store manager. All of these claims may be true as long as we have a demand for a substance and they have the supply. Unfortunately, when you sever the demand, the supplier may not maintain his/her warm and fuzzy feelings for your presence.

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