Forming and maintaining healthy social relationships is a key aspect of psychological and emotional health. It’s also often a key aspect of addiction recovery. Many people enter treatment for substance abuse with unhealthy social circles that have enabled their drug use and abuse. New Method Wellness seeks to turn these unhealthy patterns around through process group therapy treatment. These specialized group therapy sessions support and encourage skills to form and maintain healthy relationships through recovery.
Our process group therapy program at New Method Wellness gives you the chance to explore how you personally communicate and socialize. Highly-trained therapists lead supportive group therapy sessions to help you get the most from the program. Practical exercises allow for introspection and give you the opportunity to identify your own problematic behaviors and perspectives. These behaviors and perspectives often present major obstacles to developing satisfying social connections.
The therapeutic value of this program is gaining awareness of yourself and how you connect with others. You will gain insight into your previous experiences and develop new skills to enhance your current social connections. Process group therapy provides a safe space where you can obtain non-judgmental professional and peer feedback. This will allow you to understand your place in social circles and educate you on regulating your emotions and behavior.
Before you start process group therapy at New Method Wellness, you may have a lot of questions about what it’s like. Some questions that you may have include the following:
The first thing to know is that it’s totally normal to have questions and feelings about entering process group treatment. It’s important to remember that everyone else around you also has these questions and concerns. Remember that when you share, you’ll likely make someone else feel more comfortable at the same time. It’s normal to see the other process group therapy members as strangers, but after several sessions, you’ll start seeing them more as supportive friends. This is one of the reasons why process group therapies is invaluable to the addiction treatment process.
Process group therapy can be very effective in treating addiction. Substance abuse tends to be a lonely condition where people often feel like they are suffering in isolation. But process group therapy gives you the opportunity to interact with others who share your struggle. People who go through certain experiences tend to understand others who have gone through similar experiences better than those who have not. Many patients who go through group psychotherapy report feeling relief in meeting others with similar experiences. They also report gaining insight and confidence.
It may be hard to see the other side of your struggle with substance abuse, but that may be due to being too close to it emotionally. By talking with others during group psychotherapy, you can obtain encouragement and positive feedback. It may help you see that there are many paths to recovering from addiction.
Professional group therapists employ different methods to make group therapy sessions as interesting and effective as possible. They may use cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis among other methods. Some sessions might include various group activities that touch on social, cultural and educational themes. They may also involve expressive therapies like music, art, poetry or dance. Sometimes they take the form of educational workshops or lectures.
You can expect a session to last between one and three hours. Your group will likely be between six and 12 people led by one or two therapists. The session schedule can vary from once a week to several times per week. It may depend on whether you are in residential or outpatient treatment. Sometimes sessions are organized as co-ed and sometimes for only one gender.
Those who attend process group therapy programs report how much the sessions helped them. Gaining confidence and hope is a common theme among those who have the chance to interact and share with others going through the same treatment process.
Sharing is a big part of process group therapy. It enables you to see that your experiences are not lonely and isolating. In group sessions, you can share what works for you as others do the same.
Those in group psychotherapy often begin to feel like they are part of a family. In some ways, this is reclaiming for those who have had problematic childhoods. At the very least, the group provides a sense of togetherness where each member feels accepted and a sense of belonging. The group has a united goal in recovering from addiction.
As you go through rehab, you may find the need for a cathartic outlet. Process group therapy provides that as you can let out your pain, guilt and stress to a compassionate audience.
At New Method Wellness, we want to support all our clients through treatment for substance abuse. We offer dual diagnosis, plus a number of programs and therapies to provide individualized treatment. Process group therapy for addiction is one of our many effective treatments.
To find out more about group therapy for substance abuse, contact New Method Wellness today.
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